Local Dues Set Up

Welcome Alumnae Group admins to another Fiscal Year!


Whether you are a new admin or a seasoned pro with your group, it's been a long year, so we have set up a complete step by step guide on setting up your local dues.


***Remember, you do not need to set up any Delta Gamma Per Capita dues that get paid to Executive Offices, this has already been set up.


Your local dues set up has a few required steps and a few optional ones.

1. REQUIRED - Set up the dues charge and/or additional giving options 

    (Set Up Time - 5 minutes or less)

2. REQUIRED - Set up additional dues options 

    (Set Up Time - 2 minutes or less)

3. OPTIONAL - Set Up a dues payment button and send out an email 

4. OPTIONAL - Close Dues payments for offline (Check/Cash) payments

REQUIRED - 1. Set up the dues charge and/or additional giving options 

Set up the dues charge and/or additional giving options:

1. Log into memberplanet
2. Click "Invoices" from the side navigation bar

 3. Click "Add a QuickPay charge" from the sub-navigation menu or "New Charge" in the upper right hand corner.

4. Name your charge (Example: "Local Dues 2020-2021")

5. Choose a charge type (three different types to choose from)

  • Fixed: one exact amount (ex: $20 per person)
  • Open: payer can choose how much they want to pay (any amount greater than $1)
  • Multi-choice: payer can choose one of multiple options (ex: tiered membership levels where a member can choose which level from a choice) Examples: (Bronze, Pink, and Blue Levels) (regular member, new alumnae, recent graduate,  50 year member, etc.)

**NOTE: If you will have multiple dues (such as additional contributions or donations), you will need to set up more charges later using the same steps. Pick one dues charge to set up for now.

 6. If selecting a Fixed Amount, add a dues amount  


OR If selecting and Open amount, set a Min and Max if you have one


OR If selecting a multi-choice, add your dues amounts and levels


7. Set a Bill Date of 7/1/(Current Year) and Close Date 6/30/(Next Year)

You want your charge to open on the first date of the fiscal year and close on the last one - even if you are setting these up after July 1st.

8. Select Next to continue to assigning the charge

9. Select the option to "Add this charge to all of my members" this will assign the charge to all members added in to your chapter and allow them to pay for their local dues payment.

**** REMINDER - Until you assign this payment to your members they will not see it or be able to pay for their local dues.

10.  Select Next in the lower right hand corner to continue to the next step

11. Finally, de-select the Send an email option, and select Save and Finish to complete the set up of your charge.


12. Upon completion you will land in the additional tools page for your newly set up charge.


REQUIRED - 2. Completing your local dues set-up

Once you have your initial charge set up, there are a few additional options your group will want to consider to optimize your charges. Some of these options are optional, some are required, and some we strongly suggest utilizing.

a. Select a bank account to deposit funds

  • REQUIRED - in order for funds collected to be transferred to your group, you will need to associate your invoice to a bank account, select the available option and on the next page select a bank account and save your selection upon completion

b. Customize payment alerts

  • OPTIONAL - If one or more admins would like to receive an alert each time a payment is made, select this option and add the emails you would like to receive emailed alerts. Keep in mind that you can always change these emails or turn this option off later if your group changes it's mind

c. Add a thank you message

  • STRONGLY ENCOURAGE - Members will automatically receive a payment confirmation receipt when they pay their local dues. You can add a polite thank you to the receipt for their dues payment or donation

d. Edit more charge settings (partial payments, decline button, auto assignment

  • REQUIRED - Now the first two options are not necessarily recommended, but the last option your group will want to confirm is enabled.
    • (Optional) Partial Payments - allows members to submit a partial payment of dues when your group is using a fixed dollar amount
    • (Optional) Decline Button - allows members to decline to pay dues
    • (REQUIRED) Auto Assignment - as new members move in to the area and are synced in to your group from EO, this option will automatically assign the charge to the new member. If this option is not enabled, your chapter will manually need to assign the dues payment to the new members and issues may occur when sending out emails with a dues button included

e. Create a Pay Now button for your email campaigns

  • OPTIONAL - If your group would like to include an option to pay dues from your chapter newsletter, you will need to set up a Pay Now button to use later.  Please do not select the blue button - it is cursed. We will talk more about this option in the next section

OPTIONAL - 3. Set Up a dues payment button and send out an email

Most alumnae groups will want to send out dues payment reminders in your group. Keep in mind that your dues charges are tokenized to the specific member, so we do not offer an option to just send a general link to your groups or to link to a website. If you want to allow members to make a payment within your group emails, you will need to set up the dues button to send out in a memberplanet email. 

To begin, make sure you have created a Pay Now button for your email campaign seen in Step 2 above. Not quite sure if you or another admin from your group already did this, no problem, you can always go back and check.

1. Select Invoices from the left-hand navigation 

2. Your charge screen should show your newly set up local dues charge, but if you do not see your charge initially, you may need to filter the dates back to show the charge 

3. Click on the blue dues charge title to navigate to the dues admin options

4. Select Create a "Pay Now Button for your email campaign"

5. On the following page, select a button and save and close to complete the set up.

6.  After your group has a button set up, you are now ready to set up your email campaign and add a button

7.  Follow the steps to create your email, and within the email set-up step 4, select the "Buttons" option from the email tool bar

8. A pop up window will appear with form button options, select the drop down menu to toggle to Quick Pay buttons
9. Locate your dues payment from the list and select the go button to insert your button in to your email.

10. The button will add to your email campaign based the placement of your cursor when selecting the go button



  • Your QuickPay button can only be sent to members it has been assigned to. If you are sending an email that includes contacts or additional members that have not been assigned to the charge, your email will not be able to be sent.  
  • If your group sends a test email the dues button will not work within the test email. Test emails are meant for you to test the visuals i.e. the look of your email, not the buttons. If your group wants to test the email before sending it out to the entire group, you will want to send the email to just your admins. If the email looks good, you can create a copy of the already sent email and re-send it to the remaining alumnae group members. 
  • Email campaigns can only contain one memberplanet button at a time. If you are trying to send an email campaign with information about an event or requesting a payment on a payment form, you will want to use the URL for the form rather than a memberplanet button. Remember, as the dues button is tokenized, it will always be the priority when choosing which form button to use in your email campaigns if you are adding more than one.

OPTIONAL - 4. Close dues payments for offline (Check/Cash) payments

If a member pays for their dues by cash or check, you are able to record the payment to allow that information of received payment to be synced to EO reporting to prevent a duplicate payment in the future. 

1. Hover over Invoices on the left-hand navigation bar

2. Select "Record an Offline Quickpay Payment" from the drop down menu or from the upper right hand options on the main screen

3. Check the box beside the member you're recording the payment for
4. Click Save & Continue

5. Enter the payment details:

  • Locate dues level member paid on.
  • Enter total payment at top & received shown
  • Date of payment
  • Payment Method (Cash, Check, Other)
  • Add Memo/Note (Optional)

6. Click Save & Record Payment to finish