Additional Alumnae Tools

memberplanet offers many tools for your chapter to use. Remember, you don't need to use any or all of these options, but they are there should you need them.



Mobile App

The memberplanet iPhone and Android apps streamline everything from your Delta Gamma group account on one simple mobile interface. It also allows you to make/accept mobile payments to your online forms for things like tickets, t-shirts and registrations.

  • Learn more about the Mobile App here.



Organizations no longer need to have their members vote at a specific location, guard the ballot box, and manually tally and record votes. Our secure polls functionality does all this for you, and you there are more options to professionally customize these polls for your group.

  • Learn more about using Polls here


Document Storage

memberplanet has partnered with Box, a cloud-based service that allows you to upload files to your group. It’s a dynamic, flexible content management solution that empowers users to share and access content from anywhere, while providing enterprise-grade security.

  • Learn more about Document Storage here



If you’re collecting funds from donations, local dues, merchandise or ticket sales, events, or any other type of payment form, you can view your organization’s transactions in a consolidated report. The All Payments report has an updated look and feel that makes it cleaner and more user-friendly. The report provides admins with an intuitive, faster, and more detailed way to manage transaction data for their group. All payment records within your group can be downloaded as an Excel file for keeping account of your group’s funds.

  • Learn more about Reports here


Tracking Member or Volunteer Participation

Admins can record and track participation for members and volunteers for activities like attending an event or volunteering their time. The participation tracker provides admins a transparent and accountable way to record or award points to members for their involvement in an organization's activities. Members can submit requests for participation points, which admins can approve or deny. Participation is securely recorded and tracked by date and time in a customizable reporting format, so viewing the data you need is only a few clicks away. 


  • Learn more about Tracker here