Alumnae - Contactless Payment Options


Why use memberplanet’s events and payment form features? It’s simple: They make life easier. Whether your chapter is hosting a Founders Day or selling t-shirts, you can do it easily and safely with our contactless payment collection options.



Do you have an event coming up? A custom event site lets you promote and invite guests, generate buzz with comments, RSVP lists and social sharing, and collect payments for tickets or open donations.


  • Learn how to create an event site here.

Simplify a complex event with your step-by-step Ultimate Event Planning Guide
Benefit from both detailed strategic and logistic steps
Follow easy instructions to execute on memberplanet
Plan from a year ahead to event follow-up

Payment Forms

Go paperless. Easily convert offline payments and forms online. Payment forms make collecting needed information and payment easy and direct. Online payment forms allow admins to collect payments and information at the same time. Payment forms are secure and convenient for both administrators and members.

  • Learn more about setting up payment forms here.


Payment forms should not be used to collect local alumnae dues as payment form payments do not automatically sync to the Delta Gamma database.

To learn more about setting up your local dues click here.