How to Set Up a Payment Form

How to Optimize a Payment Form

Create a payment form using a template

  1. On the left navigation bar, hover over Payment Forms, then select Create a Payment Form on the submenu
  2. Select a template from the available options
    • Note: Click on the row of the + sign to expand the category. A preview will appear to the right of your selection.
  3. Once you have found the template you want to use, click the Use This Template button

How do I create a payment form starting from scratch


If you want to completely customize your payment form instead of starting from a template, start from a blank payment form.

  1. On the left navigation bar, hover over Payment Forms, then select Create a Payment Form on the submenu
  2. Select Blank Payment Form


Copy a payment form

This feature allows admins to make a copy of an existing form, ideal for creating a variation of a payment form without altering the original.

  1. On the left navigation bar, hover over Payment Forms and click Create a Payment Form in the submenu
  2. Select the Copy a Payment Form option​
  3. Click the Make a Copy button for the form you wish to copy


4. A copy of the new form will appear in edit mode, which you can customize and save



5. When you have completed adding and editing payment items, click Save & Close


Customize the look of a payment form

1. Click the Colors dropdown menu
2. Select a color palette from the available options
    A preview of the colors selected will appear to the right.

 3. Hover over the banner image section and click on the edit icon that appears
     An overlay will appear.     

4. Drag and drop your desired photo into the allotted area, or click to browse and upload

Note: The recommended image size is 900 px wide.

5.  Click the Upload button

Structure your payment form and determine what info to collect


Admins have a variety options available to customize the structure of their payment form, use different input field types, and further define field options.

On the Add Fields tab, you have the option to drag and drop four different types of fields into the payment form:

  • Basic: text or paragraph
  • Selection: dropdown, radio buttons, etc.
  • Preset: name, address, etc.
  • Section & Separators: divider or description

1. Name your form
2. Add a new field by dragging it from the Add Field tab and dropping it onto your payment form
    It will embed where you drop it.

Note: On the payment form, you can select fields, including section headers, and drag and drop them to reposition them.

3. Use the Field Options tab to label, assign default values, and add notes to each field
    Click on the field you want to edit and fill in the corresponding text boxes appearing on the left.



4. Remove a field by selecting it on your form and clicking the trash icon located on the Field Options tab

5. When you are ready to add payment items, click Next

Add and edit payment items


Admins have the option to set the following attributes for payment items: Type, Label, and Item Group Label. You can also set any item as required.

Payment Type defines how a user interacts with a payment item. Admins can set the type to:

  • Any amount: Users can choose any amount they wish to pay. This is usually done for donations.
  • Any amount (multi-item): Users can choose a few different amounts that add up to their total payment.
  • Fixed amount: All users will pay the same fixed amount. This displays as a required payment item to a user.
  • Fixed amount (multi-item): Users can pick one fixed amount from a few different choices.
  • Item quantity: Users will choose a quantity of an item to purchse..
  • Item quantity (multi-item): Users can choose quantities of different items.

Payment Label: the name an admin gives to a payment item, which is visible to a user

Item Group Label: the name an admin gives to a group of payment items, which is visible to a user. For example, if your payment form has a group of different colored roses for sale, they may all be labeled under “Roses”

  1. To add a payment item, click the Add Payment Item button
  2. Select Payment Type from the dropdown menu
  3. In the overlay that appears, enter the Payment Label and other information for the item for which you are receiving payment
  4. Click Save


Get the link to your payment form



Once you’ve published your payment form, you can get the link to it at anytime.

  1. On the left navigation bar, click on Payment Forms
  2. Click on the gear icon next to the payment form you wish to get the link for
  3. In the dropdown menu, select Get Link​​

  •  Options to copy a full URL or a shortened URL will appear in a pop up box

Copy, customize, or shorten the form URL


Admins have the option to modify part of the payment form URL as well as use a built-in URL shortener when the number of characters in the URL is an issue. Modifying the URL works best when you want to create a more memorable URL, use keywords, or use a naming convention. Shortening the URL is convenient when there’s a need to limit the number of characters, such as in a 140-character tweet.

  1. On the left navigation bar, click on Payment Forms
  2. Select the title of the payment form you want to copy or customize the form URL for
  3. In the features list, click on Copy or Customize the Form URL



4. An overlay will appear with the following options:

  • To copy either the full URL or shortened URL, click on the respective Copy to Clipboard button


5. Click the Customize button to modify part of the campaign page URL. The text box that appears will allow you to edit the portion of the URL that is customizable.

6. Click Save.

Note: After you customize your URL, your previous URL will no longer work. If you have given out your old URL to anyone, they will no longer be able to use it. Shortened URLs do not change, so users can continue to use the same shortened URL whether or not you edit the full URL.

Select a bank account to deposit funds

Even if you have not yet set up a bank account to deposit funds, you can still create a payment form. If your group has not yet selected a bank account to deposit funds, it’s important to note that you must do this in order to access collected funds. To learn more, please see Add and Verify a Bank Account in the Reporting and Account Settings section.

  1. On the left navigation bar, click on Payment Forms
  2. Select the title of the payment form you wish to manage
  3. In the features list, click Select a Bank Account to Deposit Funds
  4. Click the dropdown menu to select a bank account or select Add a New Bank Account
    • If you add a new bank account, you will be required to fill in the bank account’s information fields
  5. Click Save & Close


Manage payment alerts


You and other administrators can be notified by email whenever someone makes a payment. By default, an alert will be sent to the email address associated with the account from which the payment form was created.
To edit who is receiving payment alerts:

  1. On the left navigation bar, hover over Payment Forms and click Manage Payment Forms in the submenu
  2. Select the name of the form you wish to manage
  3. In the features list, select Manage Payment Alerts
  4. Disable payment alerts by deselecting the checkbox in the overlay that appears, or modify who is receiving payment alerts by typing in or removing email addresses in the text field
  5. Click Save

Add a thank-you message


Once a member submits a payment, a confirmation email automatically goes out to the member. Admins have the option to include a thank-you message in the confirmation email. Customized thank-you messages help keep your members engaged and feeling positive about their contributions.

  1. On the left navigation bar, hover over Payment Forms and click Manage Payment Forms in the submenu
  2. Select the title of the payment form you want to add a thank-you message for
  3. Click Add a Thank-you Message in the feature list
  4. You have two checkbox options:

Add a thank-you message to the payment confirmation email

  • Upon selecting this feature, a text box will appear wherein you can write a custom message

Send an email campaign as a thank-you when someone makes a payment

  • You can select an existing email campaign to be sent

5. Click Save & Close

Assign the convenience fee to the payer


By default, the Convenience Fee, which is the processing fee deducted from payments collected on the system, is charged to the organization.

  1. On the left navigation bar, select Payment Forms
  2. Click on the gear icon next to the payment form you wish to manage
  3. In the dropdown menu, select Edit
  4. Click the Next button at the bottom to go to the Payment Items page
  5. Click More Options on the Payment Items page
  6. Next to Convenience Fee, select the radio button Users Filling Out the Form Will Pay the Fee



7.  Click Save & Close

​Create a button to your form for your email campaigns


When creating email campaigns, you have the option to include buttons – not just links – for any form created on the platform.

  1. On the left navigation bar, hover over Payment Forms and click  Manage Payment Forms in the submenu
  2. Select the title of the form you want to manage
  3. In the features list, click Create a Pay Now Button for Your Email Campaigns
  4. Admins have one of two options to select:
    • Choose a Button: Use the dropdown menu to select the desired button text, then click on the color of your choice
    • Upload Your Own Image: Click the Choose Image button, then drag and drop your desired image into the allotted area, or click to browse and upload. Complete the prompts to upload and crop your image if needed, then click Save
    • Note: Recommended image size is 580 px or smaller.
  5. To use your button in an email, navigate to the email you want to use and go to Step 4: Content
  6. In the body of your email, select the area you wish to insert the button, then click Buttons in the toolset that appears
  7. In the pop-up window that appears, click on the Type dropdown menu and select Form Button
  8. Click the Go button for corresponding form you want to use
  9. Your button will appear in the area selected.​

Create a button to your form for your external website


Anyone can fill out a payment form, whether or not he or she is a member of your group. This feature can be used for times when you want to use a button on an external website to drive users to make a donation.

  1. On the left navigation bar, click on Payment Forms
  2. Select the title of the form you want to create a button for your external website
  3. In the features list, click Create a Pay Now Button for Your External Website



4.  Admins have one of two options to select:

  • Choose a Button: Use the dropdown menu to select the desired button text, then click on the color of your choice
  • Upload Your Own Image: Click the Choose Image button, then drag and drop your desired image into the allotted area, or click to browse and upload. Complete the prompts to upload and crop your image if needed, then click Get Code Snippet
    • Note: Recommended image size is 580 px wide or smaller.

5. A shaded box will contain the HTML code for your button. Copy the entire segment, and paste it into your website

Each external website builder is different. Check out the customer support for your website hosting company for instructions on embedding the code.

Close a form or set close date


The status of a payment form can either be published, editing, or closed. Closing your form is the same thing as unpublishing it. If you close your form, users will no longer be able to submit a payment using the form. If they navigate to your payment form URL, they will see a message stating: This form is no longer available. You can always re-open a form after it has been closed. Forms will exist in your payment forms list until they’re deleted.

  1. On the left navigation bar, select Payment Forms
  2. Click on the title of the published form you wish to close
  3. To close the form, click Close Form on the right, or to edit the close date, select the Edit link next to the form’s close date



 4. In the pop-up overlay that appears, set closing conditions by date and time or processing amount, then click Save


Customize the message shown when the form has closed


When a member attempts to view a form after it has closed, the form fields will no longer be visible. Instead, a message will be shown to the user notifying them that the form is closed. Admins can customize this message.

  1. On the left navigation bar, click on Payment Forms
  2. Select the title of the form you want to customize the message for
  3. In the features list, click Customize the Message Shown When the Form Has Closed



4. Type your customized message in the text box

5. Click Save & Close


6. Uncheck or check the box next to the column name you wish to hide or show

7. Click Save

View purchase item breakdown
If you have sold merchandise on a payment form, you can view the details associated with each purchase.

  • On the left navigation bar, click Payment Forms
  • Click on the name of the payment form you wish to manage
  • On the top right, select View Purchases